Meet the team

Christophe Collete
PML Head
Professeur Ordinaire at ULiège
Professeur de Recherche Francqui at ULiège
Associate Professor at ULB

Vicente Lafarga
PhD Student at ULiège
Research field: Active isolation in spacecraft
Funding: ESA – NPI Grant

Dimitri Piron
PhD Student at ULB
Research field: Optimal Architectures for Mechatronic System Design
Funding: FNRS – FRIA Grant




Anthony Amorosi
PhD Student at ULiège
Research field: Seismic isolation for a high-resolution quantum gravimeter
Funding: ERC Consolidator grant, Project SILENT

Hemendra Singh
PhD Student at ULiège
Research field: Cryogenic motion sensor and quality factor test
Funding: Interreg Europe – CRISTAL project

Mouhamad Lakkis
PhD Student at ULiège
Research field: Advanced motion control for 3rd generation gravitational wave detectors
Funding: ERC Consolidator grant, Project SILENT





Mayana Teloi
PhD Student at ULB
Research field: High-resolution absolute quantum gravimeter for inertial control
Funding: ERC Consolidator grant, Project SILENT

Thomas Dehaeze
PhD Student at ULiège
Research field: Active nano-positioning systems
Funding: ESRF

François Winand
PhD Student at ULiège & ULB
Research field:  Vibration damping of aerospace structure
Funding: Walloon region – Space4relaunch project



Thomas Giordanno
PhD Student at ULiège
Research field: Advanced control strategies for low-frequency seismic isolation
Funding: Interreg Europe – CRISTAL project

Morgane Zeoli
PhD Student at ULiège & UCLouvain
Research field: Cryogenic inertial sensors
Funding: PDR FNRS

Brieux Thibaut
PhD Student at Uliege
Research field: Inertial sensors for vibration compensation in a quantum gravimeter
Funding: Horizon Europe – FIQUgS project






Former PML Members

PML is in collaboration with the following entities: