
Journal Articles

  • Dietrich, J., Raze, G., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C., Kerschen, G. (2024) H∞ tuning rules for positive position feedback controllers: The single-degree-offreedom case and beyond. In Journal of Vibration and Control. [pdf]
  • Kuhlbusch, T.J., Zeoli, M., Joppe, R., Collette, C. (2024) Characterizing 1550 nm optical components down to 8 K. In Cryogenics, vol 142. [pdf]
  • Lafarga, V., Jamshidi, R., Rodrigues, G., Seiler, R., Collette, C. (2024) Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Active Isolation Platform for Microvibrations. In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. [pdf]
  • Teloi, M., Lakkis Mouhamad, H., Amorosi, A., Antoni-Micollier, L., Janvier, C., Ménoret, V., Vermeulen, P., Rosenbusch, P., Collette, C. (2024) Reaching the Intrinsic Noise of an Absolute Quantum Gravimeter. In IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 40-45. [pdf]
  • Tunon de Lara, M., Amez-Droz, L., Chah, K., Lambert, P., Collette, C., Caucheteur, C. (2024) Fabrication of Bragg Gratings in Flat Silica Substrates Using the Femtoprint Device and Use for Sensing. In Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2024. [pdf]

Conference & Workshops

  • Teloi M. (2024). Precise absolute gravimeter for inertial control. In proceedings of LVK collaboration meeting 2024. [pdf]
  • Lakkis H. (2024). E-TEST : Einstein Telescope EMR Site and Technology. In proceedings of LVK collaboration meeting 2024. [pdf]
  • Collette C. & Jacques L. (2024). Architecture and performance of the active platform in the E-TEST prototype. Presented at the 2024 E-TEST consortium meeting. [pdf]
  • Amorosi A. (2024). E-TEST : Einstein Telescope EMR Site and Technology. In proceedings of ETpathfinder Workshop 2024. [pdf]
  • Dehaeze T. (2024). Nano-Positioning at ESRF: Actuators for continuous scans. In proceedings of Nano-Position Seminar – Prodrive. [pdf]
  • Lakkis H. (2024). E-TEST : Einstein Telescope EMR Site and Technology. In proceedings of Workshop on modelling Einstein Telescope low-frequency control and inter-platform motion. [pdf]
  • Teloi M. (2024). Precise absolute gravimeter for inertial control and gravity measurements. In proceedings of Workshop on AQG operation. [pdf]

Journal Articles

  • Dietrich, J., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C., Kerschen, G. (2023) Vibration Mitigation of Bladed Structures Using Piezoelectric Digital Vibration Absorbers. In Special Topics in Structural Dynamics {\&} Experimental Techniques, Volume 5 by Springer International Publishing, 91-94. [pdf]
  • A Sider, C Di Fronzo, L Amez-Droz, A Amorosi, F Badaracco, P Baer, A Bertolini, G Bruno, P Cebeci, C Collette, J Ebert, B Erben, R Esteves, E Ferreira, A Gatti, M Giesberts, T Hebbeker, J V van Heijningen, J-S Hennig, M Hennig, S Hild, M Hoefer, H-D Hoffmann, L Jacques, R Jamshidi, R Joppe, T-J Kuhlbusch, M H Lakkis, C Lenaerts, J-P Locquet, J Loicq, B Long Le Van, P Loosen, M Nesladek, M Reiter, A Stahl, J Steinlechner, S Steinlechner, F Tavernier, M Teloi, J Vilaboa P´erez, M Zeoli. (2023) E-TEST: a compact low-frequency isolator for a large cryogenic mirror. In Classical and Quantum Gravity. [pdf]
  • J V van Heijningen, H J M ter Brake, O Gerberding, S Chalathadka Subrahmanya, J Harms, X Bian, A Gatti, M Zeoli, A Bertolini, C Collette, A Perali, N Pinto, M Sharma, F Tavernier, J Rezvani. (2023) The payload of the Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna. In Journal of Applied Physics. [pdf]
  • M Tunon de Lara, L Amez-Droz, K Chah, P Lambert, C Collette, C Caucheteur. (2023) Femtosecond pulse laser-engineered glass flexible structures instrumented with an in-built Bragg grating sensor. In Optics Express. [pdf]
  • L Amez-Droz, M Tunon de Lara, C Collette, C Caucheteur, P Lambert. (2023) Instrumented Flexible Glass Structure: A Bragg Grating Inscribed with Femtosecond Laser Used as a Bending Sensor. In Sensors. [pdf]
  • A Paknejad, R Jamshidi, S Pathak, C Collette. (2023) Active Vibration Mitigation of Bladed Structures With Piezoelectric Patches by Decentralized Positive Position Feedback Controller. In Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. [pdf]

Conference & Workshops

  • Amorosi A., Amez-Dros L., Collette C. (2023). Compact optical accelerometer for low frequency sensing. In Proceedings of Measuring By Light 2022. [pdf]
  • Di Fronzo C. (2023). E-Test: Einstein Telescope EMR Site and Technology. In Proceedings of XIII Einstein Telescope Symposium. 
  • Di Fronzo C. (2023). E-TEST as a possible be-aware-of for lunar-like experiments. In Proceedings of Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna Meeting. [pdf]
  • Di Fronzo C. (2023). Instrumentation for GW detectors: An overview. Seminar given in the context of the course “Active structure” at Uliege. [pdf]
  • Di Fronzo C. (2023). E-TEST prototype and advanced GW technologies. Presentation at Artemis Lab, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Nice. [pdf]
  • Di Fronzo C. (2023). Research at Precision Mechatronic Lab: An overview. Presentation at the University of Western Australia. [pdf]
  • Lakkis H. (2023). Experimental validation for low frequency isolation of six degrees of freedom systems using optical inertial sensors. In proceedings of Gravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop (GWADW) 2023. [pdf]
  • Lakkis H. (2023). Decoupling strategies for MIMO systems. Seminar given in the context of the course “Active structure” at Uliege. [pdf]
  • Teloi M., Amorosi A., Collette C. (2023). Einstein Telescope Euregio-Meuse-Rhin Site and Technology E-TEST & SILENT. In Proceedings of Lunch des sciences ULB 2023. [pdf]
  • Teloi M., Collette C. (2023). High-resolution hybrid atomic quantum gravimeter with real time vibration compensation. In Proceedings of EGU General Assembly 2023. [pdf]
  • Sider A. (2023). Progress on E-TEST: a compact low-frequency isolator for a large cryogenic mirror. In Proceedings of LVK collaboration meeting 2023. [pdf]
  • Sider A. (2023). Status of compact isolation of a large mirror at a low frequency. In proceedings of Gravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop (GWADW) 2023. [pdf]
  • Zeoli M. (2023). Towards a Soundcheck accelerometer: sensor testing at the E-TEST cold platform. In Proceedings of Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna Meeting. [pdf]

Journal Articles

  • Abeloos, G., Müller, F., Ferhatoglu,E., Scheel,M., Collette,C., Kerschen,G., Brake,M.R.W., Tiso,P., Renson,L., Krack.,M. (2022). A consistency analysis of phase-locked-loop testing and control-based continuation for a geometrically nonlinear frictional system. In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 170, 108820. [pdf]
  • Billon, K., Zhao, G., Collette, C., and Chesné, S. (2022). Hybrid Mass Damper: Theoretical and Experimental Power Flow Analysis. In Vibration and Accoustics, Volume 144(4), 041003. [pdf]
  • Ding, B. and Zhao, G. and Watchi, J. and Sider, A. and Collette, C. (2022).  An interferometric inertial sensor for low-frequency seismic isolation. In Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 335, 113398. [pdf]
  • Di Pace, S., Mangano, V., Pierini, L., Rezaei, A., Hennig, J.S., Hennig, M., Pascucci, D., Allocca, A., Tosta e Melo, I., Nair, V.G., Orban, P., Sider, A., Shani-Kadmiel, S., Van Heijningen, J. (2022). Research Facilities for Europe’s Next Generation Gravitational-Wave Detector Einstein Telescope. In Galaxies, Volume 10, 65. [pdf]
  • G Nair V., Collette C. (2022). Double link sensor for mitigating tilt-horizontal coupling. In Journal of instrumentation, Volume 17, 04012. [pdf]
  • Jamshidi, R., Paknejad, A., Collette, C. (2022). High modal density active vibration attenuation of bladed structure with a decentralized optimal negative derivative feedback controller. In Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 3056. [pdf]
  • Jamshidi, R., Collette, C. (2022). Designing negative derivative feedback controller based on maximum damping and H2 method. In Smart Materials and Structure, Volume 37, 7. [pdf
  • Jamshidi, R., Collette, C. (2022). Optimal negative derivative feedback controller design for collocated systems based on H2 and H∞ method. In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 181, 109497. [pdf]
  • Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Chesné, S., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C. (2022). Design and optimization of a novel resonant control law using force feedback for vibration mitigation. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. In Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Volume 29, 2939. [pdf]
  • Paknejad, A., Jamshidi, R., Pathak, S., and Collette, C. (November 28, 2022). Active Vibration Mitigation of Bladed Structures With Piezoelectric Patches by Decentralized Positive Position Feedback Controller. ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 145(2): 021003. [pdf]
  • Piron, D., Pathak, S., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C. (2022). On the link between pole-zero distance and maximum reachable damping in MIMO systems. In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 18, 109519. [pdf
  • Sider, A. and Amez-Droz, L. and Amorosi, A. and Badaracco, F. and Baer, P. and Bruno, G. and Bertolini, A. and Collette, C. and Cebeci, P. and Di Fronzo, C. and Ebert, J. and Erben, B. and Esteves, R. and Ferreira, E. and Gatti, A. and Giesberts, M. and Hebbeker, T. and Hennig, J. S. and Hennig, M. and Hild, S. and Hoefer, M. and Hoffmann, H. D. and Jacques, L. and Jamshidi, R. and Joppe, R. and Kuhlbusch, T. and Lenaert, C. and Lakkis, M. H. and Van, B. L. Le and Loicq, J. and Locquet, J. P. and Loosen, P. and Nesladek, M. and Reiter, M. and Stahl, A. and Steinlechner, J. and Steinlechner, S. and Teloi, M. and Perez, J. Villaboa and van Heijningen, J. and Zeoli, M. (2022). E-TEST prototype design report. arXiv e-prints. [pdf]
  • Tsang TTL., Li TGF, Dehaeze T., Collette C. (2022). Optimal sensor fusion method for active vibration isolation systems in ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. In Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 39, 185007. [pdf]
  • Tunon de Lara, M., Chah K., Amez-Droz L., Lambert P., Collette C., Caucheteur C. (2022) Production of optical waveguide in planar glass substrate fabricated with femtoprint. In Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III, 121421K. [link]
  • Utina A., Amato A, Arends J. Arina C. et al. (2022). ETpathfinder: a cryogenic testbed for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. In Classical and Quantum gravity, Volume 39, 215008. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Amorosi A., Amez-Droz L., Teloi M., Mouhamad LLakkis H., Ding B., Watchi J., Di Fronzo C., Jamshidi R., Lambert P., Collette C. (2022) High resolution compact vertical inertial sensor for atomic quantum gravimeter hybridization. In Proceedings of ISMA-USD2022. [pdf]
  • Amorosi A., Amez-Droz L., Collette. (2022). Low-frequency high-resolution optical inertial sensors. In Proceedings of GWADW2022. [pdf]
  • Amorosi A., Amez-Droz Loic., Collette C. (2022). High resolution vertical inertial sensor for atomic quantum gravimeter hybridizing. In Proceedings of Newton-g 2022. [pdf]
  • Piron, D., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C. (2022). Determination of optimal sensor-actuator position for active vibration damping in collocated SISO systems using a pole-zero distance criterion for fast convergence of the search algorithm. . In Proceedings of ISMA-USD2022. [pdf]
  • Watchi J., Lakkis M.H., Sider A., Jamshidi R., Amorosi A., Teloi M., Collette C. Determination of optimal sensor-actuator position for active vibration damping in collocated SISO systems using a pole-zero distance criterion for fast convergence of the search algorithm.  In Proceedings of ISMA-USD2022. [pdf]

Journal Articles

  • Abeloos, G., Renson, L., Collette, C., Kerschen, G. (2021). Stepped and swept control-based continuation using adaptive filtering. In Nonlinear Dynamics, 104, 3793-3808. [pdf]
  • Abeloos, G. and Renson, L. and Collette, C. and Kerschen, G. (2021). Control-based continuation of nonlinear structures using adaptive filtering. In Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 109-112. [pdf]
  • Dehaeze, T. and Collette, C. (2021). Active damping of rotating platforms using integral force feedback. In Engineering Research Express, 3, 015036. [pdf]
  • Harms, J. and Ambrosino, F. and Angelini, L. and Braito, V. and Branchesi, M. and Brocato, E. and Cappellaro, E. and Coccia, E. and Coughlin, M. and Ceca, R.D. and Valle, M.D. and Dionisio, C. and Federico, C. and Formisano, M. and Frigeri, A. and Grado, A. and Izzo, L. and Marcelli, A. and Maselli, A. and Olivieri, M. and Pernechele, C. and Possenti, A. and Ronchini, S. and Serafinelli, R. and Severgnini, P. and Agostini, M. and Badaracco, F. and Bertolini, A. and Betti, L. and Civitani, M.M. and Collette, C. and Covino, S. and Dall’Osso, S. and D’Avanzo, P. and Desalvo, R. and Giovanni, M.D. and Focardi, M. and Giunchi, C. and Heijningen, J.V. and Khetan, N. and Melini, D. and Mitri, G. and Mow-Lowry, C. and Naponiello, L. and Noce, V. and Oganesyan, G. and Pace, E. and Paik, H.J. and Pajewski, A. and Palazzi, E. and Pallavicini, M. and Pareschi, G. and Pozzobon, R. and Sharma, A. and Spada, G. and Stanga, R. and Tagliaferri, G. and Votta, R. (2021). Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna. In Astrophysical Journal, 910, 1. [pdf]
  • Paknejad, A. and Raze, G. and Zhao, G. and Deraemaeker, A. and Kerschen, G. and Collette, C. (2021). Active damping of bladed rail assemblies. In Advances in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration. [pdf]
  • Paknejad, A. and Zhao, G. and Chesné, S. and Deraemaeker, A. and Collette, C. (2021). Hybrid Electromagnetic Shunt Damper for Vibration Control. In Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 143, 021010. [pdf]
  • Pathak, S., Piron, D., Paknejad Seyedahmadian, A., Collette, C., & Deraemaeker, A. (2021). On transmission Zeros of piezoelectric structures. In Journal of intelligent material systems and structures. [pdf]
  • Piron, D., Pathak, S., Deraemaeker, A., & Collette, C. (2021). A pole-zero based criterion for optimal placement of collocated sensor-actuator pair. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 155, 107533. [pdf] 
  • Verma, M. and Dehaeze, T. and Zhao, G. and Watchi, J. and Collette, C. (2021). Virtual sensor fusion for high precision control. In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 150, 107241. [pdf]
  • Verma, M. and Collette, C. (2021). Active vibration isolation system for drone cameras. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 58, 1067-1084. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Paknejad Seyedahmadian, A., Raze, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2021). Experimental study on active tuned inerter-dampers: Application to active damping using force feedback. Journal of sound and vibration, 514.[pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., Collette, C. (2021). Active nonlinear energy sink using force feedback under transient regime. In Nonlinear Dynamics,102 (3),1319-1336. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Zhao G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen G., Collette C. (2021). Active damping of bladed rail assemblies. In Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. [link]

Journal Articles

  • Abbott, B. P., Collette, C., Ding, B., Watchi, J., et al. (2020). Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA. Living reviews in relativity, 23(1). [pdf]
  • Verma, M., Lafarga, V., & Collette, C. (2020). Perfect collocation using self-sensing electromagnetic actuator: Application to vibration control of flexible structures. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 313, 112210. [pdf]
  • Verma, M., Lafarga, V., Baron, M., & Collette, C. (2020). Active stabilization of unmanned aerial vehicle imaging platform. Journal of Vibration and Control, 1077546320905494. [pdf]
  • Verma, M., Pece, A., Hellegouarch, S., Watchi, J., Durand, G., Chesné, S., & Collette, C. (2020). Dynamic stabilization of thin aperture light collector space telescope using active rods. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 6(1), 014002. [pdf]
  • Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Chesne, S., Deraemaeker, A., and Collette, C. (September 7, 2020). “Hybrid Electromagnetic Shunt Damper for Vibration Control.” ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. [pdf]
  • Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Osée, M., Deraemaeker, A., Robert, F., & Collette, C. (2020). A novel design of positive position feedback controller based on maximum damping and H 2 optimization. Journal of Vibration and Control, 1077546319892755. [pdf]
  • Pathak, S., & Ramana, G. V. (2020). Probabilistic Characterization of Nuclear-Blast Loads. Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(5), 04020055. [pdf]
  • Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Collette, C., Kerschen, G. (2020). Multimodal vibration damping using a simplified current blocking shunt circuit. In Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 31, 1731-1747. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Ding, B., Watchi, J., Deraemaeker, A., & Collette, C. (2020). Experimental study on active seismic isolation using interferometric inertial sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 145, 106959. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2020). Active nonlinear inerter damper for vibration mitigation of Duffing oscillators. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 473, 115236. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Dehaeze, T., & Collete, C. (2020). Active Damping of Rotating Platforms using Integral Force Feedback. In Proceedings of ISMA2020. [link]
  • Zhao, G., Ding, B., Watchi, J.,  & Collette, C. (2020). Active seismic vibration control using inertial sensors. In Proceedings of ISMA2020. [link]
  • Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Zhao, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Colette, C. (2020). Active vibration damping of bladed structure. In Proceedings of ISMA2020. [link]
  • Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2020). Active Nonlinear Energy Sink Using Integral Force Feedback. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXVIII.
  • Abeloos G., Renson L., Collette C., Kershen G. (2020). Online Control-Based Continuation of Nonlinear Structures Using Adaptive Filtering. In proceedings of ENOC2020. [pdf]

Journal Articles

  • Verma, M., Dehaeze, T., Zhao, G., Watchi, J., & Collette, C. Virtual sensor fusion for high precision control. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., & Collette, C. (2019). ℋ∞ optimization of an integral force feedback controller. Journal of Vibration and Control, 25(17), 2330-2339. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2019). Nonlinear positive position feedback control for mitigation of nonlinear vibrations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 132, 457-470. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Dehaeze, T., Verma, M., & Collette, C. (2019). Complementary Filters Shaping Using H-Infinity Synthesis.
  • Verma, M., & Collette, C. (2019, September). Active vibration isolation system for drone cameras. In Proceedings of International Conference on Vibration Problems: ICOVP 2019.
  • Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Zhao, G., Osée, M., Deraemaeker, A., Robert, F., … & Collette, C. (2019). Hybridization of Active Control and Pasive Resonant Shunt. In Proceedings of the 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (pp. 930-941). International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Zhao, G., & Collette, C. (2019, November). Study of MIMO Control Laws for Seismic Isolation of Flexible Payload. In 2019 7th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA) (pp. 248-252). IEEE. [pdf]
    Certificate for best presentation: ICCMA_Award

Journal Articles

  • Paknejad, A., Rahimi, G., & Salmani, H. (2018). Analytical solution and numerical validation of piezoelectric energy harvester patch for various thin multilayer composite plates. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88(7), 1139-1161.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Tshilumba, D., Artoos, K., & Collette, C. (2018). Coil-free active stabilisation of extended payloads with optical inertial sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 29(5), 054005. [pdf]
  • Watchi, J., Cooper, S., Ding, B., Mow-Lowry, C. M., & Collette, C. (2018). Contributed Review: A review of compact interferometers. Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(12), 121501. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Dehaeze, T., Magnin-Mattenet, M., & Collette, C. (2018). Sample Stabilization for Tomography Experiments in Presence of Large Plant Uncertainty.
  • Ding, B., Watchi, J., & Collette, C. (2018). Development of a high resolution optical inertial sensor.
  • Ding, B., Watchi, J., & Collette, C. (2018). Towards Broadband Seismic Isolation Systems: a one dof isolation stage study.
  • Ding, B., Zhao, G., Watchi, J., & Collette, C. (2018). Huddle test of optical inertial sensors combined with slightly damped mechanics. Proceedings of ISMA2018 and USD2018, 1471-1478.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., & Collette, C. (2018). Towards Broadband Seismic Isolation Systems: a practical case: LIGO isolation system.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Zhao, G., & Collette, C. (2018). Active Seismic Isolation using Optical Inertial Sensors.
  • Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2018). H∞ optimization of positive position feedback control for mitigation of nonlinear vibrations. Proceedings of ISMA2018 and USD2018, 143-151.
  • Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2018). H∞ optimization of an enhanced force feedback controller for mitigation of nonlinear vibrations. In Proceedings of 7th World Conference on Structural Vibration Controlµ

Conferences & Workshops

  • Ding, B., Watchi, J., & Collette, C. (2017). Development of an Optical Inertial Sensor.
  • Ding, B., Watchi, J., Habibullah, H., Collette, C., Cooper, S., & Mow-Lowry, C. (2017). Development of an Optical Inertial Sensor in ULB.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Habibullah, H., Matichard, F., & Collette, C. (2017). Active Isolation Stage Design.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Matichard, F., & Collette, C. (2017). Active Isolation of an Extended Structure using a High-Resolution Optical Inertial Sensor.

Journal Articles

  • Paknejad, A., Rahimi, G., Farrokhabadi, A., & Khatibi, M. M. (2016). Analytical solution of piezoelectric energy harvester patch for various thin multilayer composite beams. Composite Structures, 154, 694-706. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Alujević, N., Depraetere, B., Pinte, G., & Sas, P. (2016). Adaptive-passive control of structure-borne noise of rotating machinery using a pair of shunted inertial actuators. Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, 27(12), 1584-1599. [pdf]
  • SOULEILLE A., LAMPERT T., LAFARGA V., HELLEGOUARCH S., BERNIER F., RONDINEAU A., RODRIGUES G., COLLETTE C., Active isolation of launcher vibration environment. CEAS Journal. (submitted in 2016) [pdf]
  • CHESNE S., MILHOMEM A., COLLETTE C., Enhanced damping of flexible structures using force feedback. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics. vol.39, 1654-1658, 2016. doi:10.2514/1.G001620 [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., CHESNE S., Robust hybrid mass damper. Journal of sound and vibration. vol.375, 19–27, 2016. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., CHESNE S., CORREIA S., DURAND G., An active control concept for the TALC space telescope. Mechanics and Industry, 2016. [pdf]
  • HELLEGOUARCH S., FUEYO ROZA L., ARTOOS K., LAMBERT P. COLLETTE C., et al. Linear encoder based low frequency inertial sensor. International Journal of Optomechatronics. vol.10(3-4), 120-129, 2016. doi:10.1080/15599612.2016.1217109 [pdf]
  • AASI J., et al. First low frequency all-sky search for continuous gravitational wave signals. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. vol.93, 042007, 2016. [pdf]
  • AASI J. et al. An all-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients with LIGO. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.93, 042005, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger. Physical review letters vol.116, 061102, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. GW150914: The Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of First Discoveries. Physical review letters vol.116, 131103, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Astrophysical Implications of the Binary Black- Hole Merger GW150914. Astrophysical Journal vol.818, L22, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. GW150914: Implications for the stochastic gravitational-wave background from binary black holes. Physical review letters vol.116, 131102, 2016. [pdf]
  • SAUVAGE, M. M., DURAND, G. A. G., MOLINARI, S. S., PARESCHI, G. G., PERFORNIS, Y. Y., SINORI, G. G., VALSECCHI, G. G., VERPOORT, S. S., WITTROCK, U. U., AMIAUX, J. J., AUSTIN, J. W., BELLO, M. M., BIANUCCI, G., CHESNE, S., CITTERIO, O. O., COLLETTE, C., & CORREIA, S. A development roadmap for critical technologies needed for TALC: A deployable 20m annular space telescope. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering , 9904, 99041L, 2016. doi:10.1117/12.2231867 [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. A search of the Orion spur for continuous gravitational waves using a “loosely coherent” algorithm on data from LIGO interferometers. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.93, 042006, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.93, 122003, 2016. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.93.122003 [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Tests of General Relativity with GW150914. Physical review letters vol.116, 221101, 2016. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.221101 [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Observing gravitational-wave transient GW150914 with minimal assumptions. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.93, 122004, 2016. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.93.122004 [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Characterization of transient noise in Advanced LIGO relevant to gravitational wave signal GW150914. Classical and quantum gravity vol.33, 134001, 2016. [pdf]
  • ADRIAN-MARTINEZ S.S., et al. High-energy neutrino follow-up search of gravitational wave event GW150914 with ANTARES and IceCube. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.93, 122010, 2016. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.93.122010 [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Search for transient gravitational waves in coincidence with short-duration radio transients during 2007-2013. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.93, 122008, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Comprehensive all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the sixth science run LIGO data. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.94, 042002, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Improved Analysis of GW150914 Using a Fully Spin-Precessing Waveform Model. Physical Review X vol.6, 041014, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Directly comparing GW150914 with numerical solutions of Einstein’s equations for binary black hole coalescence. Physical Review D – Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol.94, 064035, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence. Physical review letters vol.116, 241103, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. The basic physics of the binary black hole merger GW150914. Annalen der Physik , 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Binary Black Hole Mergers in the First Advanced LIGO Observing Run. Physical Review X vol.6, 041015, 2016. [pdf]
  • ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Localization and Broadband Followup of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914. The astrophysical journal. Letters vol.826, L13, 2016. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Paknejad Seyedahmadian, A. (2016, February). Static Analysis of Grid Stiffened Composite Plate by Piezoelectric Actuators. In The Bi-Annual International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics.
  • Paknejad Seyedahmadian, A. (2016, February). Vibration Analysis of a thin Plate with Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Using Finite Element Method. In The Bi-Annual International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., & Collette, C. (2016). High Resolution Vertical Inertial Sensor.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Matichard, F., & Collette, C. (2016). Development of a high-resolution optical inertial sensor for sub-Hz seismic isolation. Proceedings of ISMA2016 USD2016, 275.
  • Watchi, J., Ding, B., Matichard, F., & Collette, C. (2016). Development of a high-resolution optical inertial sensor for sub-Hz seismic isolation. Proceedings of ISMA2016 USD2016, 275.
  • CHESNE S., COLLETTE C., A simple hybridization of active and passive mass dampers, ISMA conference, September 2016 (Leuven, Belgium).
  • COLLETTE C., SOULEILLE A., LAMPERT T., RODRIGUES G. Active vibration isolation of sensitive payloads from launchers disturbances, ECSSMET conference, September 2016 (Toulouse, France).
  • DURAND G., AMIAUX J., SAUVAGE M., AUSTIN J., CHESNE S., COLLETTE C., HELLEGOUARCH S. et al. TALC, a far-infrared 20m space telescope and the ELICSIR consortium to reach TRL 3, 37th ESA Antenna Workshop on Large Deployable Antennas, November 2016 (ESTEC, The Netherlands).
  • CHESNE S., COLLETTE C., Absorbeurs de vibrations hybrides hyperstables., Vibrations, Shocks and Noise conference (VISHNO), 2016 (Le Mans, France).

Journal Articles

  • Zhao, G., Alujević, N., Depraetere, B., & Sas, P. (2015). Dynamic analysis and ℋ2 optimisation of a piezo-based tuned vibration absorber. Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, 26(15), 1995-2010. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Alujevic, N., Depraetere, B., Pinte, G., & Sas, P. (2015, April). Adaptive-passive control of noise radiation of gear-box systems using a pair of shunted piezo-based rotating inertial actuators. In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2015 (Vol. 9431, p. 94311C). International Society for Optics and Photonics. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Alujević, N., Depraetere, B., Pinte, G., Swevers, J., & Sas, P. (2015). Experimental study on active structural acoustic control of rotating machinery using rotating piezo-based inertial actuators. Journal of sound and vibration, 348, 15-30. [pdf]
  • Alujević, N., Zhao, G., Depraetere, B., Sas, P., Pluymers, B., & Desmet, W. (2014). H2 optimal vibration control using inertial actuators and a comparison with tuned mass dampers. Journal of sound and vibration, 333(18), 4073-4083. [pdf]
  • [36] AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Advanced LIGO. Class. Quantum Grav. vol.32(7), 074001, 2015. [pdf]
  • [35] COLLETTE C., NASSIF F., AMAR J., DEPOUHON C. and GORZA S.-P., Prototype of interferometric absolute motion sensor, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, vol.224, 72-77. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and MATICHARD F., Sensor fusion methods for high performance active vibration isolation systems, Journal of sound and vibration, 2015, vol.342, 1-21. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Searches for continuous gravitational waves from nine young supernova remnants. The Astrophysical Journal vol.813, id39, 2015. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. A directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO. Phys. Rev. D vol.91, 062008, 2015. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data. Phys. Rev. D vol.91, 022004, 2015. [pdf]
  • AARTSEN, M. G., ACKERMANN, M., ADAMS, J. et al. Multimessenger Search for Sources of Gravitational Waves and High-Energy Neutrinos: Results for Initial LIGO-Virgo and IceCube. Phys. Rev. D vol.90, 102002, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Improved Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from 2009-2010 LIGO and Virgo Data. Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.113, 231101, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. First all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from unknown sources in binary systems. Phys. Rev. D vol.90, 062010, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Methods and results of a search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts using the GEO600, LIGO, and Virgo detectors. Phys. Rev. D vol.89, 122004, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Search for gravitational radiation from intermediate mass black hole binaries in data from the second LIGO-Virgo joint science run. Phys. Rev. D vol.89, 122003, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Search for gravitational wave ringdowns from perturbed intermediate mass black holes in LIGO-Virgo data from 2005-2010. Phys. Rev. D vol.89, 102006, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts detected by the InterPlanetary Network. Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.113, 011102, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. Implementation of an F-statistic all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in Virgo VSR1 data. Class. Quantum Grav. vol.31, 165014, 2014. [pdf]
  • AASI J., ABBOTT B. P., ABBOTT R., et al. The NINJA-2 project: Detecting and characterizing gravitational waveforms modelled using numerical binary black hole simulations. Class. Quantum Grav. vol.31, 115004, 2014. [pdf]
  • TSHILUMBA D., ORIUNNO M., MARKIEWICZ. T. and COLLETTE C., Budgeting and control of the mechanical noise in the ILC Final Focus System, Physical review special topics: accelerators and beams vol.17, 062801, 2014. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., FUEYO-ROZA L. and HORODINCA M., Prototype of a Small Low Noise Absolute Displacement Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2014, vol.1, 91-95. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., TSHILUMBA D., FUEYO-ROSA L. and ROMANESCU I., Conceptual design and scaled experimental validation of an actively damped carbon tie rods support system for the stabilization of future particle collider superstructures, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2013, vol.84(2), 023302. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S. and TSHILUMBA D., Control strategies for the final focus of future linear particle collider, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A , 2012, vol.684, 7-17. [pdf]
  • PREUMONT A., BASTAITS R., SURDEJ I., COLLETTE, C. Challenges in precision and vibration control for physics experiments, Journal of systems and control engineering , 2012, vol. 226(9), 864-866. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C. and PREUMONT A., Inertial sensors for low frequency seismic vibration measurement, Bulletin of the seismological society of America, 2012, vol.102(4), 1289-1300. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., Importance of the wheel vertical dynamics in the squeal noise mechanism on a scaled test bench, Shock and vibration, 2012, vol.19, 145-153. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., Review of Active Vibration Isolation Strategies, Recent patents on Mechanical engineering, 2011, vol.4, 212-219.
  • FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., GUINCHARD M., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., and MORON BALLESTERA R., Study of the hybrid controller electronics for the nano-stabilization of mechanical vibrations of CLIC quadrupoles, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, vol.6, C12023. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C., Nano-Motion Control of Heavy Quadrupoles for Future Particle Colliders: An Experimental Validation, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A, 2011, vol.643, 95-101. [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., SLAATHAUG A., Study of the electronics architecture for the mechanical stabilisation of the quadrupoles of the CLIC linear accelerator, Journal of Instrumentation, 2010, vol.5, C11014. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M. and HAUVILLER C., Seismic response of linear accelerators, Physical reviews special topics: accelerators and beams, 2010, vol.13, 072801. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., KUZMIN A., SYLTE M., GUINCHARD M. and HAUVILLER C., Active quadrupole stabilization for future linear particle colliders, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A, 2010, vol.621 (1-3), 71-78. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and PREUMONT A., High frequency energy transfer in semi-active suspension, Journal of sound and vibration, 2010, vol.329 (22), 4604-4616. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., KROLL G., SAIVE G., GUILLEMIER V., AVRAAM M. and PREUMONT A., On magnetorheologic elastomers for vibration isolation, damping and stress reduction in mass-varying structures, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2010, vol.21 (15), 1463-1469.
  • COLLETTE C., Prevention de l’Usure Ondulatoire en Transport ferroviaire : revue de la litterature, Revue des materiaux et Techniques, 2009, vol.97(2), 143-147. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and PREUMONT A., Laser Measurement of Torsional Vibrations/Longitudinal Creepage of a Railway Wheelset on a Scaled Test Bench, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2009, vol.47, 385-389. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., HORODINCA M. and PREUMONT A., Rotational vibration absorber for the mitigation of rail rutting corrugation, Vehicle System Dynamics, 2009, vol.47(6), 641-659. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and BASTAITS R., Impact of wheel ageing on rail corrugation in curve: a parametric study, International review of mechanical engineering, 2008, vol.2(1), 27-34. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., VANHONACKER P., BASTAITS R. and LEVY D., Comparison between time and frequency studies of a corrugated curve of RER Paris network, Wear, 2008, vol.265(9-10), 1249-1258. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and AUSLOOS M., Scaling analysis and evolution equation of the North Atlantic Oscillation index fluctuations, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2004, vol.15(10) 1353-1366. [pdf]

Conferences & Workshops

  • Watchi, J., Artoos, K., Collette, C., & Matichard, F. (2015). Interferometric active inertial isolation for extended structures. In American Society for Precision engineering conference. [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Alujevic, N., Depraetere, B., Pinte, G., & Sas, P. (2015). Active structural acoustic control of gear noise using a pair of piezo-based rotating inertial actuators. In proceedings of 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials.
  • COLLETTE C.,LAMBERT P., HELLEGOUARCH S., FUEYO ROZA L., ARTOOS K., Linear encoder based low frequency inertial sensor, Optomechatronics conference, October 2015 (Neufchatel, Switzerland). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., CHESNE S., CORREIA S., DURAND G., An active control concept for the TALC space telescope, 22eme Congres Francais de Mecanique, August 2015 (Lyon, France). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., TSHILUMBA D., NASSIF F., FURNEMONT R., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., Vibration isolation of an extended object, Euspen’s 15th international conference and exhibition, June 2015 (Leuven, Belgium).
  • CHESNE S., MILHOMEM A., COLLETTE C., Enhanced active damping of flexible structures with inherently stable power ports, 22nd International congress on sound and vibration, 12-16 July 2015 (Florence, Italy).
  • COLLETTE C., Recent experimental results on non-magnetic vibration isolation, Machine Detector Interface Meeting, 3 August 2015 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • COLLETTE C., Discussion and comparison of classical and modern control techniques, Gravitational Wave Detector Workshop (GWADW2015), 17-23 May 2015 (Girdwood, Alaska, USA). LIGO document G1500689. [link]
  • NUTAL L., COLLETTE C. and TSHILUMBA D., BSC HEPI Pier Amplificaton, LSC-Virgo Collaboration Meeting, 20-29 August 2015 (Stanford, California, USA). Ligo document G1400858. [link]
  • TSHILUMBA D., NUTTALL L., MAC DONALD T., MITTELMANN R., LANTZ B., MATICHARD F., COLLETTE C., Vibration analysis and control of the LIGO observatories large chambers and support piers, proceedings of the ISMA conference, September 2014, (Leuven, Belgium). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and MATICHARD F., Inertial control of flexible structures using blended sensors, proceedings of the ISMA conference, September 2014, (Leuven, Belgium).
  • TSHILUMBA D., FURNEMONT D., COLLETTE C., Vibration isolation of an extended object, proceedings of the ISMA conference, September 2014, (Leuven, Belgium).
  • COLLETTE C., NASSIF F., AMAR J., DEPOUHON C., GORZA S.-P., Prototype of a new interferometric absolute motion sensor, proceedings of the ISMA conference, September 2014, (Leuven, Belgium). [pdf]
  • Paknejad Seyedahmadian, A. (2014, December). Finite Element Modelling of Thin Composite Plate with Embedded Piezoelectric Active Elements. In 4th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-4).
  • Zhao, G. A pair of piezo-based rotating inertial actuators for active structural acoustic control of rotating machinery. In 25th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST 2014). [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Alujević, N., Depraetere, B., Pinte, G., Swevers, J., & Sas, P. (2014). Active structural acoustic control of rotating machinery using piezo-based rotating inertial actuators. In Proceedings of International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2014. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C. and MATICHARD F., High frequency sensor fusion, LSC-Virgo Collaboration Meeting, 17-21 March 2014 (Nice, France).
  • ARTOOS K., JANSSENS S., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., EYMIN C. and FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., Status of the Main Beam quadrupole nano-positioning + some objectives within PACMAN, CLIC Workshop, 3-7 February 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • Zhao, G., Jacobs, W., Depraetere, B., Alujević, N., Pinte, G., & Sas, P. (2013). Modal analysis of a piezo based axisymmetric rotational vibration absorber. In Proceedings of 5th IOMAC International operational modal analysis conference (pp. 120-129). [pdf]
  • TSHILUMBA D., ROMANESCU I., COLLETTE C., Active stabilization of large physics instrument superstructures, proceedings of the 7th International conference on manufacturing systems, 24-25 October 2013, (Iasi, Romania). 
  • ORIUNNO M., TSHILUMBA D., MARKIEWICZ T., COLLETTE C., A simplified model of the international collider final focus system, 14th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, October 6-11, 2013 (San Francisco, USA). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., TSHILUMBA D. and FUEYO-ROSA L., Superstructures control with active tie rods, 13th euspen International Conference, 27-30 May 2013 (Berlin, Germany).
  • TSHILUMBA D., COLLETTE C., Pier motion and control, Seismic working group meeting, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, 21 June 2013.
  • TSHILUMBA D., FURNEMONT R., COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., JANSSENS S., ORIUNNO M., MARKIEWICZ T., Vibration control studies for future linear particle colliders, European Linear Collider Workshop (ECFA LC2013), 27-31 May 2013 (Hamburg, Germany).
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., LEUXE R., EYMIN C., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., JANSSENS S., Main Linac stabilisation progress, CLIC workshop, 28 January – 1 February 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • COLLETTE C., TSHILUMBA D., FUEYO-ROSA L., ARTOOS K., JANSSENS S., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., ORIUNNO M., MARKIEWICZ T. and BRETSCHE K.,QD0 Stabilisation ideas, CLIC workshop, 28 January – 1 February 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • Zhao, G., Pinte, G., Devos, S., Swevers, J., & Sas, P. (2012). A piezo-based rotational inertia shaker for the active control of rotating machinery. In International conference on noise and vibration engineering ISMA 2012 (pp. 449-462). [pdf]
  • Zhao, G., Pinte, G., Symens, W., Swevers, J., & Sas, P. (2012). Design and Active Structural Acoustic Control of an axisymmetric rotational inertia shaker. In 31st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Heijderbos, Location: Heijen/Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • ESPOSITO M., ARTOOS A., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., JANSSENS S., LEUXE R., COLLETTE C., Development of advanced mechanical systems for stabilization and nanopositioning of CLIC main beam quadrupoles, 12th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, 10-14 September 2012 (Batavia, United States of America).
  • JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M. and LEUXE L., Stabilization and nano-positioning of the CLIC main beam quadrupoles, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2012), 17-20 September 2012 (Leuven, Belgique). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S., MOKRANI B., FUEYO-ROZA L., ARTOOS K., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M. and LEUXE R., Comparison of new absolute displacement sensors, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2012), 17-20 September 2012 (Leuven, Belgique). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., QD0 Stabilisation ideas, 29th MDI meeting, 14th December 2012 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • COLLETTE C., TSHILUMBA D., FUEYO-ROSA L., ORIUNNO M., MARKIEWICZ T. and BRETSCHE K., Simplified models of ILD and SiD detectors: simulations and scaled test bench, LCWS12 International workshop on Future Linear Collider, 22-26 October 2012 (Arlington, Texas, United States).
  • COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., PREUMONT A., Precision pointing and stability control of the future linear collider quadrupoles, Proceedings of the 11th euspen International Conference, 23-27 May 2011 (Como, Italy), 113-116. [pdf]
  • SNUVERINK J., ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., DUARTE RAMOS F., GADDI A., GERWIG H., JANSSENS S., PFINGSTNER J., SCHULTE D., RESTA-LOPEZ J., BALIK G., BRUNETTI L., JEREMIE A., BURROWS P., CARON B., Status of Ground Motion Mitigation Techniques for CLIC, proceedings of the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2011), 4-9 September 2011, San Sebastian (Spain), 1048-1050. [pdf]
  • JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C., KUZMIN A., LEUXE R., PFINGSTNER J., SCHULTE D., SNUVERINK J., System control for the CLIC main beam quadrupole stabilization and nano-positioning, proceedings of the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2011), 4-9 September 2011, San Sebastian (Spain), 1021-1023. [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., LEUXE R., MORON BALLESTER R., Status of a study of stabilization and fine positioning of CLIC quadrupoles to the nanometre level, proceedings of the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2011), 4-9 September 2011, San Sebastian (Spain), 538-540.
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., GUINCHARD M., JANSSENS S., LEUXE R., MONDENA M., STRUIK M., MORON BALLESTER R., Modal analysis and measurement of water cooling induced vibrations on a CLIC main beam quadrupole prototype, proceedings of the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2011), 4-9 September 2011, San Sebastian (Spain), 541-543. [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., LEUXE R., MORON BALLESTER R., Stabilization and positioning of CLIC quadrupole magnets with sub-nanometre resolution, 13th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPS 2011), 10-14 October 2011 (Grenoble, France), 74-77. [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M., HAUVILLER C., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., MORON BALLESTER R., Study of the electronic controller for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) main beam quadrupoles vibration stabilization, Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP 2011), 26-30 September 2011 (Vienna, Austria).
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., ESPOSITO M., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., GUINCHARD M., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., LEUXE R. and MORON-BALLESTER R., Recent improvements and achievements for the nm-stabilization of CLIC main beam quadrupoles, LCWS11 International workshop on Future Linear Collider, 26-30 September 2011 (Granada, Spain).
  • JANSSENS S., COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., KUZMIN A., GUINCHARD M., LEUXE R., SLAATHAUG A., HAUVILLER C., CLIC MBQ Stabilisation: from CDR to technical implementation phase, CLIC meeting, 28 January 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland). 
  • FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M., KUZMIN A., SLAATHAUG A., HAUVILLER C., Study of the electronics architecture for the mechanical stabilization of the quadrupoles of the CLIC linear accelerator, Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics TWEPP 2010, 20-24 September 2010 (Aachen, Germany). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M. and HAUVILLER C., CLIC quadrupole stabilization and nano-positioning, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2010), 20-22 September 2010 (Leuven, Belgique), 4453-4462. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., JANSSENS S., ARTOOS K. and HAUVILLER C., Active vibration isolation of high precision machine (keynote lecture), 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation (MEDSI 2010), 14 July 2010 (Oxford, United Kingdom). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., JANSSENS S. and HAUVILLER C., Hard mounts for quadrupole nano-positioning in a linear collider, 12th International Conference on New Actuators ACTUATOR2010, 14-16 May 2010 (Bremen, Germany), 159-162. [pdf]
  • JANSSENS S., COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M. and HAUVILLER C., A sensitiviy analysis for the stabilization of the CLIC main beam quadrupoles, Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 20-22 September 2010 (Leuven, Belgique), 4791-4800. [pdf]
  • LACKNER F., ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., DURAND H.M. and HAUVILLER C., Development of an Eccentric CAM Based Active Pre-Alignment System for the CLIC Main Beam Quadrupoles, 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation (MEDSI 2010), 14 July 2010 (Oxford, United Kingdom). [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., GUINCHARD M., JANSSENS S., LACKNER F. and HAUVILLER C., Stabilisation and fine positioning to the nanometer level of the CLIC Main beam quadrupoles, IEEE International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC10, 23-25 May 2010 (Kyoto, Japan). [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., GUINCHARD M., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A. and HAUVILLER C., Compatibility and integration of a CLIC quadrupole nano-stabilization and positioning system in a large accelerator environment, IEEE International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC10, 23-25 May 2010 (Kyoto, Japan), 2824-2826. [pdf]
  • JANSSENS S., COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., KUZMIN A., GUINCHARD M., PREUMONT A. and HAUVILLER C., Nanometer stabilization of the main beam quadrupoles for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), EPFL doctoral conference in Mechanics EDCM2010, 19 February 2010 (Lausanne, Switzerland).
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., JANSSENS S., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., KUZMIN A., GUINCHARD M., SLAATHAUG A., HAUVILLER C., Hard or soft active isolators to stabilize the main beam quadrupoles of the CLIC ? IWLC2010 International Workshop on Linear Colliders, 20-23October 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., HAUVILLER C., GUINCHARD M., JANSSENS S., KUZMIN A., LEUXE R., SLAATHAUG A., Stabilization achievements and plans for the TDR phase, IWLC2010 International Workshop on Linear Colliders, 20-23October 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., JANSSENS S., FERNANDEZ-CARMONA P., KUZMIN A., GUINCHARD M., LEUXE R., SLAATHAUG A., HAUVILLER C., CLIC main beam quadrupole stabilization at CERN, 10th Stabilization Day, 14 September 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • ARTOOS K., CAPATINA O., GUINCHARD M. COLLETTE C., HAUVILLER C., LACKNER F., PFINGSTENER J., SCHMICKLER H., FONTAINE M., BOLZON B., BRUNETTI L., GEOFFROY N., JEREMIE A., COE P.A. and URNER D., Study of the Stabilization to the Nanometer level of Mechanical Vibrations of the CLIC Main Beam Quadrupoles, IEEE Particule Accelerator Conference 2009 PAC09, 4-8 May 2009 (Vancouver, Canada), 3633-3635. [pdf]
  • ARTOOS K., CAPATINA O., GUINCHARD M. COLLETTE C., HAUVILLER C., BOLZON B. and JEREMIE A., Ground Vibration and Coherence Length Measurements for the CLIC Nano-Stabilization Studies, IEEE Particule Accelerator Conference 2009 PAC09, 4-8 May 2009 (Vancouver, Canada), 3636-3638. [pdf]
  • ROSHANBIN A., COLLETTE C. and PREUMONT A., Mathematical Modelling of Insect Like Flapping Wings for Application to MAVs, International Symposium on Light Weight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems and Subsystems, 11-13 March 2009 (Ostende, Belgique). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., KUZMIN A., SYLTE M., GUINCHARD M. and HAUVILLER C., Active Control of Quadrupole Motion for Future Linear Particle Colliders, proceedings of the Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ISC2009, 2-4 November 2009 (Cambridge, USA), 100-105. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., KROLL G., SAIVE G., GUILLEMIER V., AVRAAM M. and PREUMONT A., Isolation and damping properties of Magnetorheologic Elastomers, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 149 (2009) 012091, 11th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 25 – 29 August 2008 (Dresde, Allemagne). [pdf]
  • SCHULTE D., COLLETTE C., PFINGSTER J. and JEREMIE A., Some Comments on Feedback and Feedforward at the IP, 8th Stabilization Day, 8 December 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • LACKNER F., ARTOOS K., COLLETTE C., MAINAUD DURAND H., GENTINI L. and HAUVILLER C., Active Pre-Alignment System, 8th Stabilization Day, 8 December 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M., KUZMIN A., SYLTE M., LACKNER F. and HAUVILLER C., CLIC Main Beam Quadrupoles Stabilization, CLIC Workshop, 12-16 October 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M., KUZMIN A., SYLTE M., LACKNER F. and HAUVILLER C., CLIC Quadrupole Stabilization at CERN, 7th Stabilization Day, 22 September 2009 (Annecy, France). [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., LACKNER F., ARTOOS K., GUINCHARD M. and HAUVILLER C., On the description of ground motion (LHC tunnel), ILC- CLIC LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, 23-25 June 2009 (Geneva, Switzerland). [link]
  • COLLETTE C., IPARRAGUIRRE E., and LOUSBERG M., A study of squeal noise on a scaled test bench, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2008), 15-17 September 2008 (Leuven, Belgique), 2725-2734.
  • COLLETTE C. And PREUMONT A., Energy transfer in semi-active suspensions, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2008), 15-17 September 2008 (Leuven, Belgique), 141-156.
  • COLLETTE C. and PREUMONT A. Laser Measurement of Torsional Vibrations/Longitudinal Creepage of a Railway Wheelset on a Scaled Test Bench, 3rd Workshop on Optical Measurement Techniques, 28-29 May 2007 (Leuven, Belgique), 48-54. [pdf]
  • COLLETTE C., VANHONACKER P., BASTAITS R., LEVY D., Comparison between time and frequency studies of a corrugated curve of RER Paris network Corrugations, proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems CM2006, 24-28 September 2006 (Brisbane, Australie).
  • COLLETTE C., BASTAITS R., HORODINCA M., A dynamic vibration absorber for torsional oscillations of metro wheel sets, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2006), 18-20 September 2006 (Leuven, Belgique),135-146.
  • COLLETTE C., BASTAITS R., HORODINCA M., Experimental Verification of Rail Corrugation Theories on a Scaled Roller Rig, in: proceedings of the 7th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 29-30 May 2006 (Mons, Belgique).
  • COLLETTE C., CHOLLET H., PREUMONT A., Rutting corrugation modelling with SIMPACK, SIMPACK User Meeting, 21-22 March 2006 (Baden Baden, Allemagne).
  • COLLETTE C., HORODINCA M. and PREUMONT A., On vibration absorbers for railway creep-related disturbances, AMS Workshop, 6 December 2006 (Leuven, Belgique).
  • COLLETTE C., HORODINCA M., ROMANESCU I., Passive Damping of Driven Wheel Set as a Solution against Rail Corrugation, proceedings of the SPRTS Ship Propulsion and Railway Traction Systems Conference, 365-372, 4-6 October 2005 (Bologna, Italie).
  • COLLETTE C., Rail Corrugation Mitigation via a Dynamic Vibration Absorber Mounted on Driven Wheel sets of Metro Vehicles, Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, 30 May-2 June 2005 (Ghent, Belgique). 078 (10 pages).
  • BERTHIER Y, SAULOT A., DESCARTES S., NICCOLINI E., DAGORN C., BAILLET L., FILLOT N., IORDANO I., KEROUANI Y., COLLETTE C., IRIMESCU L., VAYSSIERE C., Tribologie numerique et expertises tribologiques au service d’un contact modele : le contact “roue-rail”. Journees Francophones de Tribologie 11-13 mai 2005 (Tarbes, France).
  • COLLETTE C., BASTAITS R. and PREUMONT, A. Rutting Corrugation Study on a Scaled Roller Rig, AMS Workshop, 9th November 2005 (Leuven, Belgique).
  • BASTAITS R. and COLLETTE C. How Wheel Profile And Diameter Influence Rail Corrugation: A Parametric Study, AMS Workshop, 9th November 2005 (Leuven, Belgique).
  • COLLETTE C., Rail Corrugation in Urban Transport, AMS Workshop, 1st December 2004 (Bruxelles, Belgique).
  • COLLETTE C., Wheel rail Corrugation in Urban Transport, AMS Workshop, 30th October 2002 (Leuven, Belgique).
  • CLIC collaboration, A Multi-TeV Linear Collider Based on CLIC Technology: CLIC Conceptual Design Report, Volume 1. Technical report, CERN, Geneva, 2012, ISBN: 9789290833796. [link]
  • COLLETTE, C., Usure ondulatoire en transport ferroviaire, mecanismes et reduction, Presses Universitaires Europeennes, Sarrebruck, 2011, ISBN: 9786131598548.
  • PREUMONT A., COLLETTE C. and DE MARNEFFE B., A Comparison of passive, active and hybrid control, chapter 5 of School and symposium on smart structural systems technologies, Os editors , Porto, 2010, ISBN: 978-989-96697-0-3, 67-84.
  • PREUMONT A., COLLETTE C. and DE MARNEFFE B., Active isolation, Chapter 2 of Active Control of Structures, by A. Preumont and K. Seto, Wiley, West Sussex, 2008, ISBN: 0470033932, 57-116.
  • PREUMONT A., COLLETTE C. DE MARNEFFE B. and EL OUNI M., A comparison of passive, active and hybrid control, Chapter 3 of Active Control of Structures, by A. Preumont and K. Seto, Wiley, West Sussex, 2008, ISBN: 0470033932, 117-146.
  • COLLETTE C., HORODINCA M., PREUMONT A., Dynamic Vibration Absorber, No. WO/2008/028830, 2008.
  • COLLETTE C., FRANCQUI F., FUEYO L., Transducer with variable stiffness, No. EP15196716, 2015.
  • Sider A. 2024, Towards Low Frequency Seismic Isolation of Large Cryogenic Mirror, PhD thesis, Université de Liège. [link]
  • Amez-Droz L. 2024, INSTRUMENTED FLEXIBLE GLASS STRUCTURE Design of Flexure Mechanisms for Resonators and Micro-Scale Monolithic Bragg Grating Sensors, PhD thesis, Université de Liège, Bruxelles. [pdf]
  • Lafarga V. 2024, Active Vibration Isolation System For Space Applications, PhD thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles. [pdf]
  • Watchi J. 2022, Active seismic isolation using interferometric inertial sensors, PhD thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles. [pdf]
  • Abeloos G. 2022, Control-based methods for the identification of nonlinear structures. PhD, Université de Liège. [pdf]
  • Ding B. 2021, Development of high resolution interferometric inertial sensors, PhD thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles. [pdf]
  • Paknejad Seyedahmadian A. 2021, Passive and active strategies for vibration control of lightly damped structures, PhD thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles. [pdf
  • Verstraeten C., 2023. Study of the vibration compensation with an accelerometer in an Absolute Quantum Gravimeter. [pdf]
  • Thibaut  B., 2022. LQG controller development for active isolation of future gravitational wave detectors from low-frequency seismic motion. [pdf]
  • Zeoli M., 2022. Towards the development of ultra-high performance inertial sensors for gravitaitonal wave detection. (link)
  • Otte T., 2021. Design, realization, development and validation of an acoustic excitation system for a monobloc bladed wheel with dynamic measurement using a laser vibrometer placed on a robotic arm. (link)
  • Collette A., 2021. Active Vibration Mitigation of a Bladed Rail Structure with Piezoelectric Patches by Decentralized Positive Position Feedback Controller (link)

  • Gillet S., 2021. Closed-loop active shape control actuator (link)

  • Donovan M., 2020. Piezoelectric damping of a bladed rail: Design of passive and active damping for an aerospace structure. [pdf]
  • Hernadez Aguirre L., 2020. Multi Modal Vibration Absorber based on Hybrid Electromagnetic Shunt Damper (link)

  • Macchaiolo L., 2020. Station-Keeping Attitude Control of an Under-Actuated CubeSat in orbit around Collinear Libation Points. [pdf]

  • La Grappe Dominicus A., 2019. Active damping of violin modes in quadruples suspensions of gravitational waves detectors. [pdf]
  • Abbot R., Abe H., Ackley K., Adhikari K. et al. (2022) Searched for gravitational waves from know pulsars at two harmonics in the second and third LIGO-Virgo observation runs. Un the astrophysical journal, Volume 935, number 1. [pdf].
  • Abbot R., Abbott, T. D., Acernese, F. et al. (2022) All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational waves from Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s first three observing runs. In Physical review D, Volume 105, 122001. [pdf]
  • Abbot R. et al. (2022) All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 data. In Physical Review D, Volume 105, 102001. [pdf]
  • Abbot R. et al. (2022) Search of the early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational waves from the Cassiopeia A and Vela Jr. supernova remnants. In Physical Review D, Volume 105, 082005. [pdf]
  • Abbot R. et al. (2022) Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from LIGO’s and Virgo’s third observing run. In Physical Review, Volume 105, 063030. [pdf]
  • Abbot R. et al. (2022) Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky~Way center in O3 {LIGO}-Virgo data. In Physical Review D, Volume 106. [pdf]
  • The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, The Virgo Collaboration, The KAGRA Collaboration. (2022) First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector KAGRA with GEO 600. In Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Volume 2022, Issue 6. [pdf]
  • The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, The Virgo Collaboration, The KAGRA Collaboration. (2022) Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB During the LIGO–Virgo Observing Run O3a. [pdf]

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